Film Tajm!

“FILM TIME” is a project where 60 young people from Sweden, Italy, Romania, UK, Lithuania and
Turkey meet in Karlstad, Sweden between 28 February-9 March 2018 in order to produce their own
multimedia product, focusing on the topic of discovering/interpreting feelings and identities. No special
skills or qualifications needed in order to apply to this project.

The organizing team aims to provide inspiration, challenge, and knowledge to youngsters about shaping their experiences into messages that could be spread to a wider audience, using audiovisuals like the film as a means of communication. The participants might experience that they have more similarities than differences, in their cultural contexts and personal opinions.
In addition to the audiovisuals, there will be a place for intercultural meetings as well. Participants will be offered a possibility to visit some regional places of interest or special theme nights, where the participants can present their countries, cultures, and ideas.

All participants will live together. The final audiovisual product of the project will be demonstrated on the public in Karlstad and Helsingborg.

As a result of this super intense week and work of 60 persons, 6 short movies were produced.

erasmus loga



Film 1    SELFSAME

 Film 2  The Void

Film 3  BrokenCircleFHD

Film 4   Nordic Spirit

Film 5  INFRA 5 2

GINAS birthdays backstage, brilliantly done by Catarina De Cezanne