Naples and friends

Meeting colleagues for an exciting walk in the old city but also talk and talks about critical thinking and international cooperation to make young people into strong awared citizens, is how our summer goes.

Ongoing work in Hästveda and ancient tradition of Talaka

There is an old Belarusian tradition TALAKA that has been successfully implemented by us in Hästveda, as we – colleagues, friends nad volunteers, help together to a common project, slowly slowly to get into shape our future course yard where people with deviant competences will find sanctuary and conditions to learn and develop. As resources …

Been there done that: Now together with the colleagues from other countries )

Pheeeww!!!Despite corona restrictions chaos and a chain of administrative challenges, how else with that topic 🙂 we did got together for a wonderful inspirational work on a Book Of Songs, our experiences of failures and fckups put together not as facts but as a flow of feelings and support towards ourselves, our colleagues and all …

Let’s make it (happen) together!

Quite a few ideas and propositions high and low were ventilated during the project planning meeting with both digital and personal participants from Ukraine, Sweden and Turkey. We tried the environment for durability and patience of organizers for fantasy… Wow we thought we will just do some workshops… It settles down for a minor revolution …

Short Film Competition!

We are announcing the film competition of the project “See the Girl“!The short film should be following the topic of the project, length max 3 minutes, originally produced and the main prize is the director’s visit to Sweden in winter 2022/23. For more information about the competition, please contact us. Want to know more …