EVE-EWRA 3rd visit, Alicante

For the last planned activity within the project, we headed to Alicante in May 2017 again where we had another presentation of the Turkish team, another set of analytic sessions talking about the learnings of the project and the material collected, another round of discussions around the outcomes and follow-ups for EWRA.

The top point of the visit was a conference The Journey of EVE-EWRA organized by AEPA Alicante, with local and parliament polititians as well as entrepreneurs invited as speakers and guests. The focus of the conference was at the psychological aspect of empowerment of young women in rural areas.

The highlights of the final report were also presented at the conference.

Materials from the conference and the final report will be available on this page in a nearest future.

Here is a short visual summary of the project. We hope you contact us if you have any questions regarding the contents of the sessions, results or organisation of the project. We are open for any requests and propositions regarding dissemination of the project learnings as well as regarding follow-ups in form of open discussions, collaborate initiatives and lectures.

EVE-EWRA schedule_3visit alicante